Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning) Post Op
Scaling and root planning is done to remove tartar or calculus around and below the gum line in order to obtain a healing response so the gum tissue can firmly re-attach to roots that are clean and smooth.
- Please wait until the numbness has worn off before eating or chewing because you could bite yourself unknowingly
- Avoid extremely hot or cold food for the next 24-48 hours. It is also essential to avoid acidic foods (your tooth will be sensitive) and hard foods such as popcorn, chips, or seeds for several days. Sharp particles of these foods can become lodged in the spaces between the teeth and gums, further irritating the tissues and causing setbacks
- Refrain from smoking for at least 24 hours after the procedure to ensure healthy healing of gum tissues. Moreover, smoking has been proven to cause and accelerate plaque build-up that eventually causes periodontal disease. Finally, smoking can reverse the success of the scaling and root planing treatment
- Swallow your saliva and do not rinse your mouth as this can prolong the bleeding
- Don’t floss the treated area tonight. Start your required flossing the following evening, after 24 hours
- Brush your mouth very gently as it may be tender or bleeding for a day or two
- Use the prescribed medication such as chlorhexidine gluconate as recommended
- Brush twice daily, use a toothbrush with soft bristle
Several days after deep cleaning has been completed, your gums should appear more pink, less swollen, and bleed less. These are signs of healing and improving periodontal health. Perio Maintenance every 3 months is needed to monitor and maintain your progress.